Dr. Cuan Wayne Coetzee’s book WHY MOVEMENT IS MEDICINE (WMIM) is a must-read for anyone seeking to harness the transformative power of movement for pain management and movement longevity. In this book, Dr. Coetzee shares his journey and insights into his vocation. The book quickly became an Amazon UK best-seller in 2020.

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A deeply insightful book, with a profound message at its core. Cuan combines his vast experience as an accomplished physician and elite athlete to demonstrate why exercise is better than cure. Herein lies a story with unparalleled advice on the simple and effective changes we can all make to improve the health of our bodies, minds, and lives. Told by the most compassionate of voices, Cuan includes countless real-life stories which exemplify his message: some that will bring you to fits of laughter, others to tears. Compulsory reading for all of us in today’s static age (and best undertaken whilst standing up!) - Brett Le Roux

An in-depth look at the impact of movement on wellbeing, told alongside a poignant personal journey with wit and humour. A must read for anyone who hopes to expand their health horizons! - Tessa Willberg, Author of Marion Lane and the Midnight Murder

Such a brilliant book, incredibly insightful and motivational. Cuan combines his own experiences as an athlete and a physician as well as his personal struggles and triumphs. I finished the book in 2 days because I couldn’t put it down. A few times while reading I got the urge to get out of my seat (sitting is the new smoking, eek!) and move! I highly recommend this book, it’s funny and easy to read as well as very educational and inspiring. I know I’m going to be referring back to the book again and again for years. - Siddy Holloway, Author of Hidden London

A Few WMIM Illustrations

MoveMed UK, where Movement is Medicine.